5/1/2014 0 Comments Why Are You Here? “Meaningless! Everything is meaningless!” says the Teacher.“Everything is completely meaningless! Nothing has any meaning.” 3What does a man get for all of his work? Why does he work so hard on this earth? Ecclesiastes 1:2-3 (NIRV)
What is our purpose on planet earth. Why were we created to fill this earth. A few years ago something strange happened that caused me to stop and ponder and ask the questions WHY? Why are we here? What do we need to do to make our journey on this earth meaningful.? What do we need to do to make sure that when the time comes and the trumpet sounds, which we do not know the hour nor the day, that we are in right standing with God and that we will be heaven bound. While I was still pondering on my thoughts, I began to read the book of Ecclesiastes. In the first chapter verse 2, says:"Meaningless! Meaningless!" says the Teacher. "Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless." What does the writer mean I wonder? Meaningless? Why is everything we do in life so meaningless. Why do we work so hard and toil so much one day only to do the same the next day. Why do we chase after material things. Why fight and argue with one another? Why do we scheme to get things? Why do we worry and fret? Why? Why? Why?! I came to the conclusion as describe by the writer of Ecclesiastes 1 that all things revolve and all this will continue to do so. But a little dose of the following might make a difference in how you live your life and who knows might unfold the mystery and help you along the way of this meaningless life..... 1. Love the lord with all your heart, soul and spirit - Life without God is meaningless 2. Be prayerful- Pray in season and out of season. 3. Be thankful at all times - be thankful that you are alive and for everything else. 4. Forgive, keep your heart pure and be gracious to all people 5. Be about the father's business, touch someone's life daily with Jesus' love 6. Work hard and enjoy the fruit of your labor. It is good and proper for a man to eat and drink and to find satisfactionin his labor. 7. Be obedient - To obey is better than sacrifice, do what the word says and heed to instructions from God, you never know you may be saving a life. 8. Give of your time and your resources - Be a blessing to those around you, be generous and not grumble. 9. Have a good attitude - Say something nice to someone, you never know you may just make their day. A little compliment goes a long way! 10.Whatever your hands find to do, do it with all your heart. Love with all your heart, work with all your heart. Remember the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong........but time and chance happens to us all. Enjoy your your life now while you are in this meaningless world. PRAYER Almighty God, I thank you for my life and for those of my loved ones. Help me to daily live my life focused on what is important to you. Reveal to me what my purpose in life is and let me begin to walk in line with my purpose in Jesus Name. JOURNAL Ponder on the list above and take steps daily to achieve some. Write down your those things that may seem meaningless to you. Begin to make a list of what to eliminate from you life that may be clogging your purpose.
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