Isaiah 65:8 This is what the Lord says:“As when juice is still found in a cluster of grapes and people say, ‘Don’t destroy it, there is still a blessing in it,’ so will I do in behalf of my servants
Do you feel like your life is over? Are you thinking nothing else can come out of your situations because you have tried everything you know to do and there is nothing more you can do. Are you getting older and life seems like it is closing in on you and you feel you still cannot make it or achieve your dreams? I have news for you! YES YOU CAN! As in Isaiah 65:8 says above that as juice is still found in the cluster(wineskin) of grapes that still produces wine, even when it looks like there is no more juice in it, and people say don't throw it out for there is still a blessing in it, so shall it be for you. Do not discard your dreams because you are getting older, there is still a blessing in you that can still bring those dreams to reality, God is saying to you, there is still a blessing in you. So do not loose hope, have faith, hold your head up and believe, that all things are possible for those that believe. God can still squeeze out some more blessings, breakthroughs and new dreams from your life.
5/18/2014 0 Comments Can You Be Trusted? But he said no. “My master has put me in charge,” he told her. “Now he doesn’t have to worry about anything in the house. He trusts me to take care of everything he owns. Genesis 39:8
The taunting question is can you be trusted? What is trust? According to the Mariam-Webster's dictionary, Trust is a belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc. So how you know that you are reliable, good, honest and effective, is by the level of conviction that you have. A lot of people do not careless what lack of trust can do in their lives. They do whatever they want whenever and with whomever they please. In the scripture above, Joseph was the master caretaker of his master Portiphar. His wife took an interest in Joseph and wanted him for herself. David, with a high level of conviction and decency, refused her several times and said that in verse 9 "No one in this house is in a higher position than I am. My master hasn’t held anything back from me, except you. You are his wife. So how could I do an evil thing like that? How could I sin against God?” That is the question I would like to pose to you, why would you do things that would make you sin against God. Why would you want to break the trust of those that care about you. Why would a spouse want to break the trust of the other. Once trust is broken in a relationship, it is by the grace of God that such relationship last. So what level of conviction do you have? Do you lie just to get what you want? Husbands do you break your wife's trust by having a relationship outside your marriage and wife's do you dishonor your husband because of a moment of vulnerability? In what ever you do, do not loose the trust that is bonding relationships together. Be honest and be the light in the midst of darkness. Choose to do what is right at all times and respect others by being honest. In doing so, you're increasing your value and and how you are being perceived. 5/18/2014 0 Comments Jesus The Light Of the WorldNow as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. 2 And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 3 Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him. 4 Ia]">[a] must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one can work. 5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” (John 5;1-5)
This is Jesus speaking to his disciples, when he healed the blind man that was blind from birth that he is the light of the world. I don't know what you may be going through today or what your situation is, my prayer for you is that the Lord Jesus will be a light in the midst of your darkness. He will be a light in your home, in your marriage, in your finances, business and ministries, he will be a light in the life of your children and your family. As long as you make Jesus Christ your Lord, his light will surely shine over your life and your situation. Be blessed. |
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